
Natural Mattresses for Your Child

All of these details have probably been adjusted and re-adjusted to suit your baby’s needs.  But have you ever thought about what role their mattress plays in their sleep?

It makes sense due to sheer amount of time new babies spend sleeping.

It was recently reported in the Washington Post that almost three quarters of crib mattresses are made with “dangerous or suspect chemicals”.  These delicate babies are the most susceptible to contamination by such things as flame retardants, waterproofing additives, and antibacterials.  They may actually cause serious health problems in infants and small children.

Unfortunately the regulatory agencies have not caught up with the times, and have not begun regulating what could be very dangerous chemicals.

I don’t know about you, but I find that fact quite alarming indeed.

If you think about it, where babies lay their heads should be of utmost concern.  How do we protect our most vulnerable from this unchecked toxic environment?  Well thankfully the mattress industry is on top of consumers’ concerns and they are addressing the need for healthier, eco-friendly, natural products.

You can choose from all-natural, organic, or hypoallergenic or a combination of all three. Here’e what you should know when deciding on which mattresses is best you:

  • Materials: You need to know what the different labels mean, so that you get what you are looking for.  Just because a mattress is labeled “natural” or “organic” does not have to actually mean that it does not contain toxic chemicals.   But, materials such as hemp, silk, wool, bamboo, organic cotton and natural latex are the best choices for all-natural mattresses.
  • Manufacturing:  Next, lets consider how these materials are manufactured.  Make sure to do your research on these companies so that you know that the manufacturer engages in environmentally friendly, safe and ethical practices.
  • Reviews: Product reviews, as with any major purchase, is an excellent way to tell if the manufacturer claims are true.  But also be aware that these reviews may not tell the whole truth.

Working towards making your home greener and healthier is an excellent step.  Make sure that you take time to do your research, in order to make sure you are buying the best, safest and the most natural product for your child.

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