
The Power of Sleep + Summer Savings Event

America has a strange relationship with sleep.  Each generation values a good night’s sleep differently.

Millennials measure lack of sleep as a level of “hustle”.

Young parents become keenly aware of the sleepless nights associated with raising children.

Many working adults are so stressed and worried that sleep is often an afterthought.

Lack of sleep is celebrated by business types as a measure of determination and work ethic.

The Baby Boomer generation battles the physical ailments that come with aging and they struggle to get and maintain quality sleep.

On top of the generational perceptions of sleep, we have other challenges to our overall sleep health.  Caffeine, social media and smart phones, all play a role in robbing our bodies of the necessary restorative aspect of healthy sleep.

The result:  A chronically sleep deprived country.

The American Sleep Association reports alarming statistics concerning our national sleep epidemic.

– Nearly 70 million Americans deal with some sort of sleeping disorder.

– 38% of people report unintentionally falling asleep at least once a month.

– 4.7% of people report nodding off or falling asleep while driving.

– 35% of Americans say they get less than 7 hours of sleep a night.

– 75% of those that suffer from depression also report sleep deprivation.

– The total economic impact of sleep deprivation is estimated at $411 billion annually.

Poor sleep health impacts our energy levels, productivity, weight control and our bodies ability to fight off sickness.  Sleep and health are linked interchangeably together and as a nation we simply don’t understand the importance of a good night’s sleep.

That’s the heart of what we do at The Mattress Hub.  We want our customer’s to fully understand the power of sleep and that if you sleep well you can live well.

All of our events and marketing is geared towards this goal.  Right now is a terrific time to make an investment into your sleep.  We are in the middle of our Summer Savings Event and nearly every bed in our program is on sale.  You will find the best brands in sleep up to 50% off, but more importantly you will find well trained and educated staff in our stores and online that will work hard to find solutions that personally fit YOUR needs!

Hurry into one of our 12 Kansas locations or visit us online at www.mattresshub.com.  We believe we can help change the way you sleep… Forever.

We Are Here to Help. Contact Us Today!

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