
Fun Reads: Books All About Sleep & Dreams

Fun Reads: Books All About Sleep & Dreams

Sleep is one necessity that most people would love to have more of. Whether you can never seem to squeeze…

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Scents That Help Us Get Better Sleep

Scents That Help Us Get Better Sleep

Hello again, oh pals of mine! It’s your best buddy in the entire world, Cheap Sheep. I’ve been spending my…

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Simple Ways to Sleep Better

Simple Ways to Sleep Better

Hi everybody! It’s me again, your best pal in the whole world — Cheap Sheep! I’ve been hearing rumors in…

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Cheap Sheep Returns to the State Fair — Dreams of Wichita Mattresses Part 2

Cheap Sheep Returns to the State Fair — Dreams of Wichita Mattresses Part 2

Hello again, oh pals of mine! It’s me Cheap Sheep — your best buddy in the entire world. The 2015…

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The Negative Effects of Interrupted Sleep

The Negative Effects of Interrupted Sleep

Cheap Sheep has been a wreck around the office! He’s cranky, groggy, weepy, and just not a very nice “little…

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Smartphone Apps for Better Sleep

Smartphone Apps for Better Sleep

Hi everyone! It’s your best buddy Cheap Sheep here reporting from dreamland. As you know, I am one little lamb…

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Choosing the Perfect Luxury Mattress

Choosing the Perfect Luxury Mattress

Cheap Sheep has been an absolute wreck lately. He’s drowsy, restless, and in a truly horrendous mood. What’s the deal,…

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What Mattress Size is Right For You?

What Mattress Size is Right For You?

Everybody knows the story of “Goldilocks.” She broke into the home of the Three Bears, stole their breakfast, and then…

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Mattress Shopping in the “Year of the Sheep”

Mattress Shopping in the “Year of the Sheep”

In case you haven’t heard, 2015 is officially the “Year of the Sheep”! Apparently 2014 was the chaotic “year of…

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